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The actress and her husband, Arthur Smolianinov soon will be the first time parents. Darya Melnikova has already left in the Decree, at the time of leaving the Yermolova theatre.

Darya Melnikova is pregnant

Darya melnikova, actress known for work in the series "papiny dochki", is pregnant and is about to give birth to a baby. The star has already left in maternity leave. For Daria and her husband, actor Arthur Mariel, it will be the first child. The couple looked forward to the moment when they become happy parents. Information about interesting situation Melnikova distributed Edition "Interlocutor" with reference to fellow Daria on the theater IM. Yermolova.

We remind that Melnikov and Smolianinov married in September of the year 2013. The wedding was secret, and the newlyweds came to the Registrar all alone. "I have 15 years taught lectures on insurance abroad and Dasha took with them. She nasmotrelas' to the Europeans who marry in anything. Here they are all organized so: no guests and outfits. Came to the Registrar in jeans and jackets. The groom bought rings and wreaths of wildflowers on the head, "" StarHitu, "later telling mom a happy bride.

Met lovers on the set of the series "major Hetero Sokolova. Dasha is the first serious sense. Shortly after the wedding, Melnikova and Smolianinov entered the rented apartment in Central Moscow, setting there all in its sole discretion and taste.

About his personal life nor Daria nor Arthur chose not to apply. Since they are not actually given any joint interviews, no press coverage, and shared pictures of happy couples. Close to this family of people insist that Star spouses are very similar in temperament, energy and understand each other without words.

The very same Melnikova noted that gladly accepts the supremacy of the husband in the family, and if earlier she called mom to warn that delayed at work, now dials Arthur Mariel. With marriage Dasha had to face domestic difficulties, because it does not lead independent lives with her parents. "At first I was surprised that the yogurt is not itself rising in the fridge and stuff from the washing machine not ironed and do not fit in the closet. It made me a little depressed, but I and did something, even though mom tried to protect me from this, "the actress told me with a laugh in a recent interview.

Darya Melnikova is pregnant

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