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Presenter, who is now 46, made a splash at the recent anniversary of the channel MUZ-TV. Fans in Germany are wondering how the star managed to become so thin. According to Anfisa, she starves himself, and practicing a conscious approach to your diet.

Anfisa Chekhova has explained rapid weight loss

Many fans of the 38-year-old leading Anfisa Chekhova noticed that celebrity began to rapidly lose weight. Last week at the State Kremlin Palace hosted a concert on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the TV channel MUZ-TV. Postroynevshaya and prettier star impressed all those present at the event. Long evening dress in the cornflower hue with a plunging neckline and embellishment at the waist emphasizes the benefit of the form of Anfisa. In his "Instagrame" the woman posted photos from that night, and also wrote that she now wears a 46 size clothing.

In a recent interview, the celebrity has revealed the secret of his phenomenal weight loss. Chekhova emphasized that her slimness is not the result of a strict diet. Anfisa shared with journalists, limiting themselves in nutrition his entire youth, so she decided to give it up. Leading practices a deliberate approach to what she eats. Chekhova studied, what products cause harm to her body, and eliminated them from their menu. For this she has read professional literature, consult with experts and communicate with other people. The path to slimness was gradual and even imperceptible to herself.

"All my efforts were focused on improvement. And then — it's a matter of awareness. Perhaps in this lies the uniqueness of my method — I didn't do anything to lose weight. Moreover, I realized that I had lost the weight, only when things got me hanging," – said Anfisa Chekhova told reporters.

Many fans of the 38-year-old leading Anfisa Chekhova

According to the leader, everything she does with her body, her only joy. Chekhova also admitted that she is comfortable in it, and the star loves himself.

"Before, eating the same thing today, I was guided only by considerations of beauty and weight loss, and therefore suffered terribly. I hated everyone, has lost its vitality, became an evil, horrible bitch around just hung up from how I was bullied all his hungry tantrums. All day I walked around the supermarkets, licking his lips at the products I was "impossible." Then I realized a simple truth. While you're concerned with questions of shape, you'll always be unhappy," says the host.

Anfisa Chekhova in bikini

Anfisa Chekhova also does yoga. In recognition of the celebrity, her passion contributed to a more conscious approach to food. The star gave up meat and eggs, instead she eats seafood. Sometimes Chekhova allows himself to cheese, along with live yoghurt. In addition, for several months a woman does not drink sugar, and excluded from the diet of fried and greasy. At the moment Anfisa like raw dishes, especially the desserts. Leading family supports her passion and is happy to eat healthy foods, told Chekhova Woman.ru

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